Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Becoming Familiar

3 beautiful days in Denmark in a row! I've heard that that is not very common, so I'm trying to take it all in and enjoy it. It was a great weekend. They had a "Culture Weekend" in downtown Kolding this weekend which just meant that all weekend downtown had different activities, bands, food, etc. On Saturday, the church worship team led worship in the streets and that was really fun. It was a beautiful day. I'm starting to meet lots of people and I love that I can now ride my bike down the street and constantly be running into people I know. It's really fun now that I am starting to get involved. I keep making all kinds of connections with people in the school and in the church.

Last night was the first night for Teen Radical. That is what they call the youth group and I stepped right into leadership there because Martin is the main leader with the youth pastor. The youth pastor is named Matt and he is from England. He's a pretty cool guy. The kids were sweet, they are pretty young because their high school only goes up to 9th grade, then they usually go to Boarding School which has it's own youth events. So these are 7-9th graders. They were fun, and really enjoyed practicing their English with me. It's hard to leave a place like Lake Highlands because those kids are passionately pursing Jesus, but we have big vision for the kids this year and I just keep praying for a breakthrough. We're starting Life Groups with them at the end of the month, which is going to be a big change for them, but I think it will be good.

This morning I got to teach in a religion class at Lykkergard Skole, the Danish school that Johan's parents work at. Johan's dad has a 9th grade class that is about to come to the US, so he wanted me to come and talk with them about church in the United States. It was really fun. The Danish school system is very different from ours, but it was really fun to be in front of a class again. Then, on my way home I ran into a lady named Tina who goes to the church and is an English teacher at the Boarding School and she asked if I would like to come talk to her classes too. So, I'm getting to be in the schools a little and work with the youth, so it's been good.

God has really been taking care of my heart because I have not been nervous or overwhelmed to meet people and branch out, even though the kids only speak limited English. Usually, I would really be nervous about that. Everyone here seems to already know me though, so that helps. I'm sure that's how Martin felt when he came to the States and met everyone.

So things have been good so far. I promise more pics will come soon. The problem is, I have them all on my computer, but I'm always using someone else's computer for internet. I'm sure life will be normal soon. :)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Getting Settled

Well, I finally moved into my apartment. Kelly and I slept here for the first time Sunday night. We still have a lot to do, but we can function here now. So, in Denmark it is pretty custom/popular to paint every room in the house white, have white counter tops, etc. It's a very modern style. So, in order to keep our American style, we painted our living room GREEN, like leaves. :) and Kelly's room is bright blue. We felt it was necessary to be different in our style, since we aren't Danish. We had a great time doing it. For two American girls who moved to Denmark, we sure do have a lot of stuff, thanks to people constantly blessing us with furniture, dishes, etc. I just need a few more things, and we'll go to IKEA next weekend.

I got my VISA yesterday, praise Jesus! They actually sent it straight to my house so I don't even have to go to Copenhagen to pick it up like I thought I would. God is so good and faithful. It's my first day today by myself because Martin and Kelly both went to work today. Johan and I did some errands before he headed back to school and I got a lot of things done around the apartment, but I can tell that this is going to get quit boring after a while. Pray that God will provide me a job, now that I have a Visa. Pray that I will be led exactly where he wants me to be to work. It's kind of difficult finding a job when I don't speak Danish, but I'm confident that the Lord has something for me during this time, I just need to seek him to find out what it is.

Martin and I went to pick up Kelly and Johan in Germany on Friday morning. We left at 5:00 am to get there in time, but it was fun. We did a lot of shopping at the border of Denmark and Germany for really cheap. Then, we came back and worked on the apartment all day. The next day we worked at Martin's mom's house because she is remodeling, so I am pretty exausted today. I'm not sure yet if I realize that I'm still not on vacation, but I'm sure it will hit soon.

I hope everyone is doing great! I sure do miss all of you, and want to hear what is going on in your lives.

Vi ses!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Martin's little brother, Philip
His older brother Daniel and girlfriend, Pia
Welcome! I won't post pictures of the apartment until we've finished working on it. But, this is my front door.

This is when I found my newest surprise...my new bike!

After I arrived in Copenhagen...with all my stuff. :)

Friday, August 1, 2008

Well taken care of!

Wow, I sure do feel welcome and well taken care of by my new Danish family. Yesteday I got to see my new apartment and OH WOW! When Martin sent me the pictures of the apartment I was a little worried. However, he and his family took off work for 3 days and worked on it and it is amazing. I got new sanded hard-wood floors, new countertops, stove, sink in the kitchen and bathroom as well as paint in all the rooms with new trim, an awesome ''raining'' shower head and my bed was set up with a new duvet and pillows. And the big surprise was my brand new bike :) I was absolutely overwhelmed! (oh yeah, and very important...a very nice coffee maker) Martin's family has welcomed me and tried to make me feel at home from the second I got here. I will post pictures of the new apartment as soon as we get some things moved in.

We went on a bike ride to the Bible College today and the church which is right across the street. It took about 2 minutes on my bike, so that's great. Then, we went through downtown and I figured out how to get to the grocery store and the library, which is really nice. It's so nice here in Kolding. There is a big castle in the middle of town which is surrounded by a cute little ''walking strees only'' downtown area.

Last night I ate with Daniel and Philip (martin's brothers) and Pia, Daniel's girlfriend. They are so nice and speak English beautifully, so that was really easy and fun. Today I met Jakob and Gitte (the people that Martin lives with) and their three kids. I went on a bike ride with the little boys Hans and David even though they don't speak English yet (they are 2 and 4) we managed to stay alive. :) I am already starting to pick up a lot of single Danish words. It's been so great so far. My roommate, Kelly gets here next Friday, so I'm excited about that and we'll finish up the aparment before that.

God is constantly reminding me of his blessings and his provision over Martin and I. It has been so good spending time together and figuring out how to do life together. God is growing us and I just pray that we will always be growing and learning in his will.

Miss you all very much... more updates to come.
(Don't forget to email me and keep me updated on your lives and how I can pray for you!)