Monday, November 2, 2009

Our first home...

We have finally moved into our first home! After living for two crazy months in the church office, we REALLY appreciate our new home. Especially since Martin put so much work into it. The building was built in 1875 and is the oldest building in Kolding, so when Martin got the job to remodel it, he decided to tear out everything including the walls and the floor and start from scratch. So, he built up everything himself from there. It was such a blessing because it the building right next to the church in which the church offices are on the first floor and the top floor is our apartment and some teen facilities which Martin is still building. But, since it belongs to the church, we got to choose whatever kitchen, floors, counter top, appliances, etc. that we wanted, but the church paid for it! What a deal!

We moved in 4 days before going to England and manages a House Warming/Graduation Party the next day after we finished at 3:00 am. We figured it was the best way to make a deadline, just invite 50 people over and that's a little motivation to get it finished. :) It worked! We were exhausted afterward though...and then we left for England with 14 teenagers.

So, we've had the week off this week and finally got to enjoy our house. We have loved our LITTLE home! It's very tiny, but perfect size for Martin and me!

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